
I finally got to meet my other side of my family today I have to say I feel good.  My job shorted me on my check yesterday by forty hours I was so upset but I chose to not give the devil any victory over me. I have been unemployed for almost 5 months so I was grateful for what God blessed me with.  We had a surprise party for my grandma today and I was so happy my dad and uncles came from out of town and I got a chance to meet my aunties that I haven’t seen since I was a baby.  Although it was a little weird I still enjoyed spending time with my family.  I have so much love to give and I’m glad to share it with family I rate my day a 10


1 thought on “Happy

  1. jacks100

    What a beautiful pic Pray!! You are so blessed to have your grandmother around to embrace her wisdom. It’s not often people are privileged to hear of all the miracles and mercies of God from back in the day. I’m quite sure she told you not to worry about your check being short because God will supply your needs according to his riches in glory. I know times are difficult but keep doing the best you can for you and your baby girl and God will continue to bless you for your efforts. Continue to enjoy the new found you and keep track of your steps through this process and when things get hard you will know what to do. I love you



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